The Most Beautiful Rebirth
11’’x14’’ Archival Paper Print
This painting has been a few years in the making and is a reflection of my personal work with Ayahuasca, Yage, and sacred tobacco mapacho. Through sitting with medicine and in deita, I have had the amazing opportunity to learn and heal from these master plants along with the guidance of many indigenous elders and traditions that I am deeply grateful for and forever indebted to. One of these elders from Columbia, Taita Pedro Davilla, is featured in this painting on the right side standing by the fire. I have had the blessing of drinking his Yage medicine the last two years and it has deeply shifted my life and energy for the better.
This painting is about reconnecting to our true essence to be able to fully meet life with an open heart. This process is often one of confronting our darkest shadows and fears, and through the witnessing and feeling what we have pushed away, we are able to integrate and become a more compassionate whole human being. Many different animal and plant beings are depicted in this piece that have different personal and archetypal resonances for me as well.
11’’x14’’ Archival Paper Print
This painting has been a few years in the making and is a reflection of my personal work with Ayahuasca, Yage, and sacred tobacco mapacho. Through sitting with medicine and in deita, I have had the amazing opportunity to learn and heal from these master plants along with the guidance of many indigenous elders and traditions that I am deeply grateful for and forever indebted to. One of these elders from Columbia, Taita Pedro Davilla, is featured in this painting on the right side standing by the fire. I have had the blessing of drinking his Yage medicine the last two years and it has deeply shifted my life and energy for the better.
This painting is about reconnecting to our true essence to be able to fully meet life with an open heart. This process is often one of confronting our darkest shadows and fears, and through the witnessing and feeling what we have pushed away, we are able to integrate and become a more compassionate whole human being. Many different animal and plant beings are depicted in this piece that have different personal and archetypal resonances for me as well.
11’’x14’’ Archival Paper Print
This painting has been a few years in the making and is a reflection of my personal work with Ayahuasca, Yage, and sacred tobacco mapacho. Through sitting with medicine and in deita, I have had the amazing opportunity to learn and heal from these master plants along with the guidance of many indigenous elders and traditions that I am deeply grateful for and forever indebted to. One of these elders from Columbia, Taita Pedro Davilla, is featured in this painting on the right side standing by the fire. I have had the blessing of drinking his Yage medicine the last two years and it has deeply shifted my life and energy for the better.
This painting is about reconnecting to our true essence to be able to fully meet life with an open heart. This process is often one of confronting our darkest shadows and fears, and through the witnessing and feeling what we have pushed away, we are able to integrate and become a more compassionate whole human being. Many different animal and plant beings are depicted in this piece that have different personal and archetypal resonances for me as well.